Episode 101

Published on:

11th Feb 2025

God Will Not Be Mocked Message 5 - God's Justice Will Prevail

The discourse presented delves into the critical theme of divine justice, encapsulated in the assertion that God will not be mocked. Throughout the podcast, we reflect upon the preceding messages in the series, which began with an emphasis on the sovereignty of God, elucidating His dominion over all creation and the reverence this demands from humanity. The dialogue progresses to an examination of contemporary forms of idolatry, highlighting how material possessions, ambition, and interpersonal relationships can usurp God's rightful place in our hearts, thereby undermining His authority. This exploration evolves into a stern admonition against the casual treatment of sacred matters, including God's name and His Word, which are to be approached with utmost respect and seriousness. As the series culminates, we confront the sobering reality that God's justice is not merely a theoretical construct but an inevitable reality that every individual will eventually encounter, emphasizing that all shall provide an account of their lives before the Almighty.


  • The sovereignty of God necessitates our utmost reverence and profound respect in all matters.
  • Modern idols such as wealth, ambition, and relationships detract from God's rightful place in our hearts.
  • God's justice is not merely a possibility but a definitive promise that will ultimately be fulfilled.
  • Each individual will be held accountable to God for their lives, actions, and intentions ultimately.
  • The examples of Ananias and Sapphira illustrate the serious consequences of deceit before God.
  • Living with humility and intentionality prepares us to face God's inevitable judgment with grace.
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Hey brothers and sisters, welcome back to the podcast where we inspire faith and empower lives through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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We've come to the final message in our series.

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God will not be Mocked.

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Let's take a moment to reflect on where we've been.

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We began by declaring the sovereignty of God, the one who rules over all creation and demands our reverence.

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Then we uncovered the truth about idolatry, exposing how modern idols, money, ambition and relationships mock God by taking his rightful place in our hearts.

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Next, we explored defiling what is sacred, reminding ourselves that God's name, His word, his church and his anointed are not to be treated casually.

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Last week we faced the deception of false success, exposing a lie that we are self made and recognizing God as a source of every blessing.

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So today we close this series by addressing a sobering reality.

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God's justice will prevail.

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Let me make this clear.

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No one, and I mean no one, escapes the judgment of God.

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You can ignore him, mock him, or try to hide from him, but his justice is inevitable.

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Let's dig in.

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The Bible says in Romans:

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So then each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.

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Think about that.

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One day you and I will stand before the Almighty and answer for our lives.

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For some, that's a very terrifying thought.

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For others, it's a reminder to live with purpose and reverence.

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Either way, one thing is certain.

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God's justice is not a possibility.

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It's a promise.

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You might be asking, why does God's justice matter?

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Because it reveals his holiness, his righteousness and his love for truth.

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God cannot be mocked, brothers and sisters.

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And justice is how he ensures that every deed, good or evil, is accounted for.

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And again the Lord will judge his people.

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It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

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Let's talk about the certainty of God's justice.

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Let's start with this truth.

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God's justice is unavoidable.

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You can't bribe him, can't negotiate with him, nor can you run from him.

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God's justice is perfect.

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Unlike human judges, God doesn't make mistakes.

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He sees everything.

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Our actions, our words, even our thoughts.

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Proverbs 21:2 reminds us.

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A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weighs the heart.

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God's justice is Impartial God doesn't pay favourites.

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Romans 2:11 says, says for God does not show favoritism.

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Whether you're rich or poor, famous or unknown, his judgment is the same for everyone.

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God's justice is final.

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When God renders his judgment, there is no appeal.

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And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne.

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And books were opened.

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Another book was opened, which is the Book of Life.

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The dead were judged according to what they had done, as recorded in the books.

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Let's look at biblical examples of God's justice.

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The Bible is filled with stories of God's justice.

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Here are a few to remind us that God tests takes sin very seriously.

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Ananias and Sapphira as recorded in Acts 5, verses 1 to 11.

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This couple lied to the Holy Spirit about their offering.

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They wanted to appear.

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Oh, they wanted the appearance of generosity without sacrifice.

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God struck them down instantly, showing that deceit and hypocrisy are no laughing matter.

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Listen, don't play games with God.

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Please, brothers and sisters, don't play games with Him.

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He sees your heart.

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We have the example of the flood as recorded in Genesis 6, 9.

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Humanity's wickedness had reached a breaking point and God's justice demanded a reset.

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But even in judgment he showed mercy by sparing Noah and his family.

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The lesson there God's justice is always accompanied by his mercy.

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goats as recorded in Matthew:

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Jesus describes the final judgment where people are separated based on how they treated the least of these.

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Those who ignored the needs of others were cast into eternal punishment, while the righteous were welcomed into eternal life.

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Your actions reveal your heart and God will judge you accordingly.

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Let's learn about living in the light of God's justice.

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If God's justice is inevitable, how should we live?

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The answer is found in Micah 6:8.

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He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.

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And what does the Lord require of you?

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To act justly and to show love, mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

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Here's what we can do.

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We can repent daily.

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None of us, absolutely none of us are perfect.

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But God is merciful to those who repent.

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1 John 1:9 promises, if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just as and will forgive us of our sins and to purify us from all unrighteousness, we should seek righteousness.

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Let us make it our goal to live a life that honors God.

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Matthew 6:33 says but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

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Let us share the Gospel.

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If you know God's justice is coming, don't keep it to yourself.

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Warn others with love and urgency.

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2 Corinthians 5:20 calls us.

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We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.

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We must trust in Christ.

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Ultimately, the only way to stand before a holy God is through Jesus Christ.

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Romans 8:1 declares, Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are are in Christ Jesus.

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Here are some lessons that we can apply.

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Lesson 1 Live with eternity in mind.

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Don't waste your life chasing temporary things.

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Remember Matthew:

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Two Walk in humility.

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Recognize that you are accountable to God for every word, every thought and every deed.

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Stay humble before him.

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Number three be ready.

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Jesus said in Matthew:

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Don't put off repentance or obedience.

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Here are some questions for reflection.

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If God's justice came today, would you be ready to stand before him?

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Question 2 Are there areas in your life where you need to rest, repent and seek God's mercy?

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Question 3 How can you live more intentionally in light of God's coming judgment?

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Let us pray.

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Heavenly Father, we thank you that you are a just and righteous God.

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Forgive us all the times we've taken your justice lightly.

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Teach us to live with reverence, humility and obedience.

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Help us to trust in Christ as our Saviour and to share his truth with others.

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Prepare our hearts for the day we will stand before you in Jesus name.

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And as we close the series, let me leave you with one final truth.

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God will not be mocked.

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His sovereignty demands our worship, his sacred things demand our reverence, his blessings demand our gratitude and his justice demands our accountability.

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Live your life in a way that honors him, brothers and sisters.

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And remember that his mercy is always available to those who call on Him.

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Thank you for joining me on this journey.

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Go forth and live for his glory.

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The Message with NJ
Inspiring Faith, Empowering Lives
Embark on a transformative spiritual journey with 'The Message with NJ' podcast, where every episode unlocks the profound wisdom and empowering insights of the Gospel. Join NJ, a passionate and insightful host, as he skillfully applies biblical stories and teachings to everyday life and challenges. This daily podcast, lasting just 5-7 minutes per episode, is the perfect companion for your morning coffee or commute, offering a quick yet deep dive into spiritual growth.

In 'The Message with NJ,' you'll find not just a podcast, but a community of faith-driven adults seeking practical, non-compromising ways to apply the Bible's lessons to their daily lives. Whether you're looking for guidance, comfort, or a moment of peace amidst a busy day, this podcast is your go-to source for inspiration and strength drawn directly from Scripture.

Each episode of 'The Message with NJ' is crafted with care and clarity, ensuring that the Gospel's transformative power is accessible to everyone, regardless of where you are on your faith journey. From discussing the challenges of modern living to offering insights into how to overcome fear, anxiety, and doubt with faith, NJ's monologues and sound bites resonate with real life, making the timeless teachings of the Bible relevant and relatable.

Subscribe to 'The Message with NJ' and join a growing community of listeners who are discovering joy, peace, and empowerment in their daily lives through the Gospel. Let's dive into the Bible together, exploring how its ancient wisdom can guide us in today's world. Don't miss out on this opportunity to deepen your faith and transform your life – one episode at a time.

About your host

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Njabulo James Nkosi

Njabulo James Nkosi is a project management professional, certified life coach, speaker and Distinguished Toastmaster. He is the author of two books. The first one is Inspired Success: The Five Keys To Reach Greater Heights of Achievement which was launched in 2017. His second and latest book is You Are A Business: Treat Yourself Like One! The Five Business Essentials For Personal Transformation and Building a Better Future, which was launched in December 2019. He is launching a podcast titled ‘The NJ Podcast’, which aims to share inspiration through lessons and conversations with people about reaching true success. His favourite tagline is “Success is the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal.” He was born and raised in Benoni and graduated from Rhodes University. He is passionate about growth and development for himself and others.