Episode 100

Published on:

11th Feb 2025

God Will Not Be Mocked Message 4 - The Dangers of False Success

The salient point of this discussion centers on the profound deception of false success, wherein individuals erroneously attribute their achievements to their own efforts or to fabricated idols, thereby neglecting the sovereign role of God as the ultimate source of all blessings. We have meticulously examined the ramifications of such pride and arrogance, which invariably lead to divine judgment. Throughout our discourse, we have illuminated the stark realities presented in Scripture, highlighting that true success is inextricably linked to our acknowledgment of God's providence. We further elucidate that the acknowledgment of God as the giver of every good gift is paramount, as failure to do so may culminate in spiritual desolation. In conclusion, this episode serves as a clarion call to embrace humility, recognizing that our successes are not merely products of our own volition but rather manifestations of divine grace.

The discussion pivots on the theme of false success, elucidating the prevalent misconception that individual accomplishments are solely the result of personal endeavor or the favor of idols. The speaker articulates that such beliefs not only diminish the recognition of God’s sovereignty but also risk leading individuals into spiritual peril. This episode builds upon earlier messages that highlight the importance of reverence for God's authority and the dangers of pride, ultimately culminating in the assertion that failure to attribute success to God constitutes a grave mockery of divine providence.

The speaker employs a range of biblical narratives to illustrate the consequences of false success. Notable figures such as King Nebuchadnezzar and the rich fool are invoked to demonstrate the inevitable downfall that accompanies pride and self-reliance. The speaker emphasizes that true success is intrinsically linked to a humble acknowledgment of God as the source of all blessings, thereby reinforcing the idea that without God, achievements are devoid of substance and meaning. This reflection is anchored in scriptural wisdom that warns against the dangers of pride and emphasizes the necessity of a God-centered life.

Concluding the discourse, the speaker outlines actionable insights for the audience, advocating for a lifestyle characterized by gratitude and humility. Practical strategies are presented, such as recognizing God’s hand in daily successes and sharing one’s blessings with the community. This approach not only fosters a deeper relationship with God but also encourages a culture of generosity, thereby transforming individual success into a collective celebration of divine grace.


  • The podcast emphasizes that acknowledging God as the source of success is vital.
  • It is asserted that pride leads to a downfall, as illustrated by biblical examples.
  • False success is defined as achievements without recognition of God's hand in them.
  • The speaker warns that forgetting God as the source of success can lead to destruction.
  • The discussion includes various scriptural references to reinforce the importance of humility.
  • Listeners are encouraged to cultivate an attitude of gratitude towards God's blessings in their lives.
Speaker A:

Hey, brothers and sisters, welcome back to our series, God Will not be Mocked.

Speaker A:

This is the message with nj, where we inspire faith and empower lives through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Speaker A:

Over the past few messages, we've uncovered some hard truths.

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We began with the sovereignty of God, declaring that he is the ultimate authority over all creation.

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We saw how mocking him through pride and arrogance leads to judgment.

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Then we explored idolatry, exposing how even idols like money, relationships and ambition rob God of the glory he deserves.

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Last time, we talked about defiling what is sacred, reminding ourselves that God's name, His word, his church, and his anointed demand reverence.

Speaker A:

Today, we're talking about the deception of false success.

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Let me tell you something.

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One of the biggest lies people believe is that their success comes from their own efforts, or worse, from some idol they've created.

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When we fail to acknowledge God as the source of every good thing, we mock Him.

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We expose this lie and learn to give credit where it's due.

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Have you ever heard someone say, I'm a self made man or I pulled myself up by my bootstraps?

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That sounds impressive until you realize it's a direct insult to God.

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Listen to what God says in Deuteronomy 8, 70, 17, 18, you say to yourself, my power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.

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But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth.

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God gives you the breath in your lungs, the strength in your hand, and the opportunities in your path to take credit for yourself or worse.

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To attribute your success to an idol is to mock the one who made it all possible.

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Let's break this down.

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What is false success?

Speaker A:

False success is any achievement, wealth or blessing that we fail to acknowledge as coming from God.

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It's a deception that leads us to pride and idolatry.

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Speaker A:

Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

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Here is the problem.

Speaker A:

False success isn't always obvious.

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It can look like a thriving career, a growing bank account, or a perfect Instagram feed.

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But if God isn't at the center of it, it's empty.

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Jesus said in Mark 8:36, what good is it for someone to gain the whole world yet forfeit their soul?

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Let's look at biblical examples of false success.

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There are some scriptures of people who thought their success came from themselves or idols.

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And let's look at how it turned out.

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There's King Nebuchadnezzar and his pride.

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Now Nebuchadnezzar was one of the most powerful kings in history.

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But in Daniel 4:30 he said, Is not this great Babylon I have built as the royal residence by my mighty power for the glory of my majesty?

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His pride led to his downfall.

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God humbled him, driving him into the wilderness like an animal until he acknowledged God's sovereignty.

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At the end of that time, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven and my sanity was restored.

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Then I praised the Most High.

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I honoured and glorified him who who lives forever.

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In Daniel 4:34 is where we find the story.

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There is also the parable of the rich fool.

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In Luke:

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He said to himself, you have plenty of grain laid up for many years.

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Take life easy, eat, drink and be merry.

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But God said, you fool, this very night your life will be demanded from you.

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Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?

Speaker A:

Success without God, brothers and sisters, is meaningless.

Speaker A:

Then there is the golden calf.

Speaker A:

In Exodus 32, the Israelites attributed their success to escaping Egypt in a golden calf, saying, these are your gods, Israel, who brought you out of Egypt.

Speaker A:

Exodus 32, verse 4.

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God's judgment was swift, reminding them that only he deserves credit for their deliverance.

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How can we begin to recognize brothers and sisters as God, as the source of success?

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The truth is, every blessing, every achievement and every opportunity comes from God.

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James 1:17 says, Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights who does not change like shifting shadows.

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We need to acknowledge God daily, begin and end every day by thanking God for His blessings.

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Psalm 104 says, Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise.

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Give thanks to him and praise his name.

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Trust in God and don't trust in yourself.

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Proverbs 3:5 6 reminds us, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways.

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Submit to him and he will make your paths straight.

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Learn to share your blessings.

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God blesses us so we can be a blessing to others.

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2nd Corinthians 9:11 says, you will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion.

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Number four this is the point.

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Number four let's understand the danger of forgetting God.

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When we forget God as the source of our success, we risk losing everything.

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Let me remind you of what happened to the Israelites in Deuteronomy 8:19 20 if you ever forget the Lord your God and follow the other gods and worship and bow down to them.

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I will testify against you today day that you will surely be destroyed like the nations the Lord destroyed before you.

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So you will be destroyed for not obeying the Lord your God.

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God doesn't bless us so we can glorify ourselves or idols.

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He blesses us to glorify Him.

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Now here are some lessons that we can apply one.

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Humble yourself before God.

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Remember that everything you have comes from him.

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1 Corinthians 4:7 says, what do you have that you did not receive?

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And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not listen?

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Speaker A:

Give God the credit make it a habit to thank God for every success.

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Say it publicly, not just privately.

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Let people know who your provider is.

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Stay generous.

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Use your blessings to serve others and advance God's kingdom.

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Speaker A:

Here are some questions for reflection.

Speaker A:

Have I been taking credit for blessings that only God could provide?

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Question 2 what areas of my life do I need to surrender to God's control?

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And Question three How can I use my success to glorify God and bless others?

Speaker A:

Let us pray.

Speaker A:

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that every blessing comes from you.

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Forgive us for the times we've taken credit for what you have done.

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Teach us to walk in humility, to give you the glory and to use our success to serve others.

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Help us to recognize that apart from you, we can do nothing.

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In Jesus name, Amen.

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In our final message, we will address the ultimate reality.

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God's justice will prevail.

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We'll talk about the certainty of God's judgment and the importance of living in light of eternity.

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Don't miss it, brothers and sisters.

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About the Podcast

The Message with NJ
Inspiring Faith, Empowering Lives
Embark on a transformative spiritual journey with 'The Message with NJ' podcast, where every episode unlocks the profound wisdom and empowering insights of the Gospel. Join NJ, a passionate and insightful host, as he skillfully applies biblical stories and teachings to everyday life and challenges. This daily podcast, lasting just 5-7 minutes per episode, is the perfect companion for your morning coffee or commute, offering a quick yet deep dive into spiritual growth.

In 'The Message with NJ,' you'll find not just a podcast, but a community of faith-driven adults seeking practical, non-compromising ways to apply the Bible's lessons to their daily lives. Whether you're looking for guidance, comfort, or a moment of peace amidst a busy day, this podcast is your go-to source for inspiration and strength drawn directly from Scripture.

Each episode of 'The Message with NJ' is crafted with care and clarity, ensuring that the Gospel's transformative power is accessible to everyone, regardless of where you are on your faith journey. From discussing the challenges of modern living to offering insights into how to overcome fear, anxiety, and doubt with faith, NJ's monologues and sound bites resonate with real life, making the timeless teachings of the Bible relevant and relatable.

Subscribe to 'The Message with NJ' and join a growing community of listeners who are discovering joy, peace, and empowerment in their daily lives through the Gospel. Let's dive into the Bible together, exploring how its ancient wisdom can guide us in today's world. Don't miss out on this opportunity to deepen your faith and transform your life – one episode at a time.

About your host

Profile picture for Njabulo James Nkosi

Njabulo James Nkosi

Njabulo James Nkosi is a project management professional, certified life coach, speaker and Distinguished Toastmaster. He is the author of two books. The first one is Inspired Success: The Five Keys To Reach Greater Heights of Achievement which was launched in 2017. His second and latest book is You Are A Business: Treat Yourself Like One! The Five Business Essentials For Personal Transformation and Building a Better Future, which was launched in December 2019. He is launching a podcast titled ‘The NJ Podcast’, which aims to share inspiration through lessons and conversations with people about reaching true success. His favourite tagline is “Success is the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal.” He was born and raised in Benoni and graduated from Rhodes University. He is passionate about growth and development for himself and others.